SaitoLab Kyoto University

SaitoLab Kyoto University

What is Green Chemistry?

Do you know the word ”green chemistry”? 

It can also be called “environmentally friendly chemistry” or something similar.
Green Chemistry is a practical way of thinking about how people who make chemicals can make things in an environmentally friendly way.In Japan, GSCN defines Green Sustainable Chemistry (so called Green Chemistry) as “the chemistry which is friendly for human and environment and supports the development of sustainable society.”

In this way of thinking, environmental negative effects (risk) is regarded as “ risk = hazard × exposure“.

It focuses not on the way of reducing the exposure, but on the hazard management that reduce the risk of health and environment by reducing the fundamental hazard in the making process of the products. In easier words, it is the way of thinking not to drive the exit after making but to stop the born of dirty itself by using of the subjects with less hazard in na making process.Simply put, the idea is to cut off the generation of contamination itself by using less hazardous materials at the manufacturing stage, rather than tinkering with the treatment outlets after making the product.

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Materials in this world consist of atoms and molecules. 
In other words, they consist of chemistry!
However, in some aspects, chemistry is also considered a source of environmental pollution and is therefore avoided by people.

When considering environmental issues, it is important to discuss what the world is composed of and what it would become if it were decomposed. However, they are rarely focused on and discussed.

Circular economy refers to a system that views waste as a new resource and circulates resources without producing waste. Circular economy is an essential concept for realizing a sustainable society with low environmental impact. We are researching what can be done to achieve that circular economy, based on green sustainable chemistry (environmentally friendly chemistry) from both macro and micro perspectives. We are looking for students who are enthusiastic about confronting environmental issues together!

Students in the sciences who are interested in environmental issues and want to confront them with science, or students in the humanities who are interested in environmental issues and have recently become interested in science but have given up on studying it. We welcome all of you. Our strength is that we can teach not only humanities students but also those with little chemical knowledge in an easy-to-understand way, so let’s learn together and contribute to the world!

KEI’s profile

Studied under the founder and developed it internationally

Green Chemistry Specialist


Kei Saito

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Suvivability,
Kyoto University

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